my_sea (mysea) wrote,

Американцы платят за карантин

Two Americans were held in mandatory hospital isolation for suspected Coronavirus.

They now face $3,918 in outstanding medical bills.

The C.D.C. won't comment on who is responsible, or commit the federal government to paying.

After their release from quarantine, Mr. Wucinski and his daughter went to stay with his mother in Harrisburg, Pa. That’s where they found a pile of medical bills waiting: $3,918 in charges from hospital doctors, radiologists and an ambulance company.

То есть, выйдя из больницы после карантина из-за коронавируса, люди получают счета за медицинское обслуживание. Эдакий нежданчик.

Финалом статьи стал отчаянный возглас должника:" How do I pay for this?"

А наши альтернативно одаренные граждане из БЕСПЛАТНОГО карантина убегают.
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